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Monday, May 3, 2010

You Ain’t Seen Nothing Yet!

Isn't it exciting to share something new with your friends? Isn't it thrilling to share a book title with friends and have them rave about it? Or, we meet a new friend, think there is something unique or interesting about this person and want to connect them to someone we admire. When Jesus saw Philip and said, "Follow me," (John 1:43) Philip couldn't wait to tell his brother, Nathanael about Jesus. (John 1:45)

A few years ago I met a woman through a mutual friend. The three of us had lunch together, but we never really connected and I did not give her more thought. Then years later we ran into each other while on a short-term mission trip. We were in each other’s company for a week with opportunity to talk and to share. We discovered that we both had younger brothers who were dying. We became best friends. Just like Nathanael who wasn’t real impressed the first time he met Jesus, once he listened to him, he was hooked. Once Nathanael heard what Jesus had to say he loved Him.

Nathanael became a follower of Jesus by simply hearing him out. Jesus told him something no one else knew. Then Jesus told ain't seen nothin' yet! (Paraphrased by writer)

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