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Sunday, June 13, 2010

Are You Listening? -- John 16:5-16

Have you ever had a newscaster start to tell a story of interest, then stop, and not continue the story until after many commercial breaks? They can't tell the story now, but they have gotten your attention and curiosity. You have to wait. If you have experienced this small frustration, imagine the frustration the disciples might have felt at verse 12 where Jesus says: "I have much more to say to you, more than you can now bear."

Jesus had the disciples' attention. I'm sure they must have been filled with anticipation. What more was Jesus going to tell them? Their curiosity was provoked. It seems Jesus did this as He wanted them to wait eagerly, ready to listen intently when the Holy Spirit came.

Time for listening is difficult amidst the demands and noisiness of daily life. I have found in my faith life that finding time for listening is essential. The Spirit of God will come alongside me and guide me through life. If I'm not listening I will miss what is good for me to hear.

Prayer: Lord God, I'm listening. I want to take time to hear You. Help me quiet my heart, sit back, close my mouth and open my ears so I might hear what you want me to know.

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