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Saturday, October 22, 2011

God's Up to Somethin' -- Acts 11:4-18

Do you remember a VBS t-shirt imprinted, "God's up to somethin'?" I have repeated this phrase to myself many times when something in my life has taken an unexpected direction. It reminds me to keep closer to God and wait for something new to happen.

Peter knew God was up to something when he experienced a dream. The people around him, his fellow Jews, weren't open to the fact that God could change the rules, turn old things around and upside down.

Peter's reaction: "...Who was I to think that I could oppose God?" (vs. 17) He did the faithful thing by adapting and following what God's Spirit revealed. He opened to God. He trusted God. This gave him the strength and courage he needed. He led his fellow Jews into a new way of thinking. God is no longer just a God of the Jews. Now everyone is a child of God.

When God is up to something, new things can happen. We may or may not expect them. We may or may not be ready. But we know we can trust God to give us what we need to see our way through change.

What an awesome journey when we take on the courage to embrace something new God puts in our path!

Let's welcome the entire VBS t-shirt imprint: "God's up to Somethin', Count me in!"

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