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Saturday, June 19, 2010

The Mystery -- John 3:1-15

Flip a switch and we have the power we need to turn on a light, wash the dishes or vacuum the floor. We don't need to understand how electricity works. It's enough to know turning it on will help us accomplish many things.

Nicodemus didn't understand and wanted to know, "What are you [Jesus] saying with this 'born-from-above' talk?" (John 3:4 The Message)

There is a mystery to being born again by the Spirit. God's Spirit changes us and makes us new. We become more aware of God working in our lives guiding and directing, molding and making us the person He is calling us to be.

Jesus told Nicodemus being born of the Spirit is like the wind. We can't control it, know where it comes from, or where it is going. We just know it's there.

This tells me I have to be willing to admit and accept I don't know how the Spirit works. I have to humbly open my heart and mind to being changed. I have to believe, trust, and expect God's Spirit to make me a new person. Apart from His grace and Spirit I cannot be "born-from-above."

Prayer: Lord help me see and remove the obstacles in my life that block the work of your Spirit in my life. Strengthen my faith so I may allow Your Spirit to change me into the person you need me to be. Amen

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