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Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Team Unity-- Luke 4:14-21

In Junior High I played volleyball. We had a good team and a good coach, but struggled the entire season to play as a united body. We had some good moments and some bad moments, but never any great moments. That was, until the final tournament.

Like something out of the movies, we arrived as the underdog. Our last chance to play together, we were determined to have fun. Game after game we came out the victor. Everything clicked; all the bumps and sets hit their mark, each spike driven to the ground with confidence and power. We, of course, won the entire tournament. We were a different team. We played as one, from the coach to the last person on the bench. It was a united effort.

We see Jesus in our scripture today, filled with the power of the Holy Spirit. As he teaches in the synagogues everyone is praising Him. He is about to go to his home town and proclaim He is the Messiah sent by God. This will not be expected or received well, so he cannot go alone. He must be united with the Father through the Spirit.

We too have been created for a purpose and we cannot do it alone. God calls us to be connected to Him through the Holy Spirit. No matter our mission in life we all have the same opportunity to be filled with the Spirit and united in the power of God.

Read the entire passage on biblegateway, Luke 4:14-21

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