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Thursday, August 5, 2010

God's Unstopable Perfection Genesus 27

Have you ever had an instance where you prayed God would use you despite your imperfections? I have prayed countless times that God would intervene and be glorified in spite of my ignorance. I have prayed that he would intercede or open my eyes to my short comings. Why God continues to use me after I fail Him over and over is a miracle in itself.

In today’s scripture we see Jacob, the man God chooses to continue his covenant through, being very deceitful. He is scheming against his brother, coercing him into giving up what is rightly his and then deceiving his own father. This is not who we would call a man of God. Jacob rarely acts with integrity when we see him in scripture, but God continues to bless him. God has a plan and not even Jacob’s self-centered actions will stop that plan.

God can and does work even with our sin. I praise Him for that. I don’t ever want to act like Jacob, but the reality is I do. There are times when I look out for myself or my family and act in ways that do not bring God glory. I am not proud of that and I pray I will act more like God each day, but I am grateful that His plan will not be stopped. His will for all of creation will be carried out to the end.
Read the entire scripture on Biblegateway Genesis 27

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