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Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Care of Parents - Matthew 15:1-9

Do you know someone who has the habit of answering a question with a question? I find it annoying, but must admit considering other viewpoints or additional information helps me learn.

In today’s text, the Pharisees ask Jesus a question about tradition. He asks His own question pointing out that the Pharisees have more serious things to focus on than the tradition of washing hands before eating.

The Pharisees are sidestepping a commandment of God. They're to honor their father and mother by doing their best to take care of them in their old age. They claim what money they have is, "a gift devoted to God." Dedicating their money for religious purposes sounds very sincere and religious. However, it's used as an excuse for not caring for those in need. They worship God with their words. Their hearts aren't on God’s command, but on rules they have created. Further, they're leading others astray by teaching these rules!

In today’s text Jesus shows how humans invent, follow, and teach traditions that are their own; all at the expense of going against God’s commands. They worship with little hope.

How thankful I am for God’s Word! His word is complete and final. Jesus reminds me I don’t need to add or take anything away from Scripture, just obey it. This points out how essential it is to constantly read and study Scripture. I certainly don’t want to be led off track, nor lead myself or others away from what God says!

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Read today's text, Matthew 15:1-9 on Biblegateway.

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