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Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Keep Moving Forward, 2 Peter 1:1-11

Do you ever enjoy a lazy day? I do. I love spending the occasional morning in my pjs, watching cartoons with my son or maybe even playing computer games with him a bit longer than normal. It’s fun to take a step out of the ordinary and slow down. I couldn’t do that every day though. If I spent every day being lazy I would feel useless.

Our scripture calls it being ineffective and unproductive. 2 Peter is referring to our faith. As Christians we need to always be moving forward in our walk with Christ in order to be effective. We don’t need to be perfect, just persistent. Our text today actually gives us a guide with which we can measure our progression.

We are to start with faith and move forward to goodness, then knowledge, self-control, perseverance, godliness, brotherly kindness, and finally love. We are to possess these qualities in increasing measure, always growing, at all times moving forward.

Each stage will help us to not only be the person Christ created us to be, but each stage is a place where God can use us to share salvation to those who are lost. God will use our imperfections as long as we are moving forward and not lazily relaxing as if our saving knowledge of Christ is our ticket to veg.  
Read the entire passage on Biblegateway 2 Peter 1:1-11

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