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Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Heavely Hoarders Luke 12:13-21

Do you have a lot of stuff? I do. My husband and I had a garage sale recently, which my husband was not too excited about. He did not think we had enough stuff to get rid of to make it worth our while. He tried to explain to me that seven years earlier, when we had moved to California, we had already purged our stuff. I asked him to trust me, we had plenty to sell. Reluctantly he agreed only to be $1500 richer a few weeks later.

OK so we sold a few of those items on Craig’s List but we still got rid of A LOT! We have a lot of junk don’t we. We must look like hoardes to God. Our scripture today warns us against storing up treasures here on earth. Jesus makes His point pretty clear when he says to the rich man, “You fool! This very night your life will be demanded from you.” We don’t know what tomorrow will bring, so we need to focus on the real treasure, God.

This may sound cliché but, think about it. We don’t know how long we have here on earth, and we can’t take it with us. Why then do we spend so much time accumulating so much junk which does not glorify God? Is it time to clean our closets and start storing up things that will make us rich toward God?

Ready todays passage on Biblegateway Luke 12:13-21

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