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Thursday, October 7, 2010

How’s Your Vision? Matthew 23:23-38

I remember one Halloween Steve and I, when we were dating, went to a costume party each wearing simple house blinds (Don’t ask how we managed that). With confused looks, our friends asked us what we were supposed to be. Knowing we stumped them we would proudly reply, “The blind leading the blind.”

We had fun thinking we had clever costumes that year, but today’s scripture talks about the blind leading the blind in a more sober manner. Jesus says two different times in five verses, “You blind guides!” And then more specifically, “Blind Pharisee!” He is warning the religious leaders of being hypocrites and living a life which looked holy from the outside, but was self-indulgent and greedy on the inside.

As Christians we should be challenged from this passage. Do we live a life that is set apart and different from the rest of the world, in order to lead a hurting friend, neighbor, or co-wording to Christ? Or do we clean up our act just enough so when the casual observer looks, we seem to have it all together? If that is the case we are no more than the blind leading the blind.

If you’re willing, take a good look at your insides today. Ask God to reveal any areas you’ve been turning a blind eye to, and address it for His glory. I don’t say these words lightly. It’s always humbling when God reveals areas I need to see more clearly. But remember He loves you and will light your path as you clean, so you don’t stub your toe.

Read today’s passage on Biblegateway Matthew 23:23-28

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