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Friday, October 29, 2010

Paul in Corinth - Acts 18:1-16

When Bob and I moved to a small community in Virginia, we noticed square dancing was what people did for entertainment. We joined a group and as a result, met many people.

Paul arrives in Corinth not knowing anyone. He meets Aquila and Priscilla, who have also just arrived. As they talk, they realize they have tent making in common. They commit to work together and Paul moves in with them. Paul uses tent making to support himself and to build relationships with people. He is able to share his story about how Jesus changed his life.

Paul goes to the meeting place on the Sabbath. He tells both Jews and Greeks how much God loves them, and about the relationship they can have with Him through Jesus. The people argue and contradict him. Paul gets frustrated and exhausted. He shouts out telling them he is done with them. He is moving on to other places.

When Timothy and Silas arrive in Corinth, they encourage Paul. He is uplifted and continues on his mission to teach God’s Word.

Paul begins to see things happening. He meets Titius Justus and Crispus, two sincere believers. Many Corinthians begin to believe and be baptized.

God has His eyes on Paul. God encourages him with His Words of guidance and protection. When the Jews bring Paul into court, God shows how powerless they are.

We're encouraged to be witnesses for Christ. In our daily lives we are asked to tell our faith stories. We should encourage each other and pray for each other as we go out into the world or within our neighborhoods to proclaim the Good News.

Read today's text on Biblegateway.

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