I love action adventure movies where the main character utters clever lines, seemingly off the cuff. Let’s see if you can name these movies?
“You want the truth? You can’t handle the truth” (A Few Good Men).
“I’ll be back” (Terminator).
“Have you ever danced with the devil in the pale moonlight?”(Batman, 1989).
I get chills when the hero puts the villain in his place. Our scripture passage today shows God putting Israel’s captors in their place. He says, “You were sold for nothing, and without money you will be redeemed.” He then says that they will know it is God who saved them and they will know His name.
At first glance it may not seem like much, but God is informing Israel’s enemy, who considers themselves invincible, that He alone will redeem his people and it will be at their expense.
This story contains a promise for us as well. Many people today are enslaved; whether it’s physical, mental, or spiritual. Our enemy wishes us harm and God is announcing that He will redeem us, and the enemy will know it was God! Jesus is our redemption. Though it cost Him everything, it’s funny, Jesus death isn’t payment to the enemy, this payment goes straight back to the Father.
Read today's passage on Biblegateway Isaiah 52:1-10
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