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Monday, November 8, 2010

Thanks Through First Fruits Giving

I never connected thanksgiving with stewardship or tithing before now. Having spent a good portion of the last 6 weeks learning about giving with a good attitude and discovering why this is important has caused the light bulb to shine. How much richer is life when it is lived in gratefulness and not ingratitude. The world does not owe me, but I owe my creator everything!

A few years ago a man noticed my husband's license plate which touted the words "USMC Vietnam Vet". He approached my husband, stuck out his hand and said, "Thank you for your service." I was stunned, but my husband just grabbed the man’s hand and acknowledged the tribute.

Thanks are always appreciated and often deserved. Just think how much we owe to God. I can only imagine how many times he saved my life or the life of someone I love. How many times has God shown me only love, when I deserved His wrath.

When I acknowledge God's generosity to me by giving Him the 'first fruits' from the harvest, I am paying tribute to Him for his loving service to me.

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