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Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Truth or Consequences Acts 5:1-11

A few years ago I was self-employed. Since I was new to this type of business I wanted to make sure I withheld the correct amount for taxes. As tax day approached I gathered my receipts and met with my accountant who had a bunch of questions.

I had a choice to make, I could disclose everything to him and part with my hard earned cash or lie and keep what I earned. Of course I told the truth but think about it, if I chose to lie who would I really be lying to? While my accountant wants to know the truth, it doesn’t affect him if I lie, the government on the other hand would come calling if I lied.

Our scripture passage today shows a similar yet more serious situation. The apostles and other disciples have decided to share their possessions with each other so that no one would be in need. Two married followers, Ananias and Sapphria, sold some property and chose to keep some of the money they made for themselves.

Keeping some of the money was not wrong but what was wrong was how, when asked if this was all the money they made, they lied about it and said yes. Peter, being prompted by the Holy Spirit calls them on their lie and explains how they are not lying to him, but to the Holy Spirit.

Have you thought of sin that way before? When we sin weather it is lying, gossiping, stealing, coveting, or whatever we not only sin against the person we directly offended, we are sinning against God.

Read today's passage at Biblegateway Acts 5:1-11

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