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Sunday, June 12, 2011

Acts 2:1-21

It is Sunday morning and the preacher is talking directly to you saying, "Invite your neighbor to church next week."  How do you feel in Sunday school when the message delivered is, "Don't you have a co-worker who could really benefit by hearing about Jesus?”  That same week your small group leader opens up discussion with this remark, "So, who have you been talking to about salvation?  Who do you know needs to learn about the Good News of Jesus?"

Those are really in-you-face questions, and ones we hear often.  How do they make you feel?  Do you squirm as I do?  Do feelings of inadequacy stop you in your tracks?  Is this fear?  Yes, but mostly it is Satan working over-time.

"Then Peter stood up with the Eleven, raised his voice and addressed the crowd..." (Acts 2:14)

How do you think Peter felt?  Do you think He was beyond having feelings of inadequacy?  Do you think that first time He stood up in front of a crowd to proclaim Jesus as Savior he didn't wonder if the serving girl who heard him deny Christ, might not be among those listening?

When the Holy Spirit lives in us, He will empower us to do His bidding.  I always have to remember that I am not responsible for anyone to accept the message of salvation; I am only responsible for delivering it to those the Holy Spirit is preparing.  As we heard our Pastor say last Sunday, "God doesn't call the equipped, He equips the called.  That's good to know.

Read the Acts 2:1-21 text for today at by clicking here.

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