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Monday, July 4, 2011

Acts 4:23-37

What is your idea of a perfect world?  Would it be filled with brotherly love?  Would there be no hunger or thirst.  Would everyone have all they needed to survive each day?  A perfect world would look very much like this; do you think we will experience this in the future?  Do you think we ever did in the past?

The Believers in the first Church experienced all this and more.  Reading the text for today is very heart-warming.  To think, these people loved one another so much they sold their belongings and gave to the disciples to distribute to those who needed help.  This wasn't something they were forced to do, like in Communism, but they volunteered their offerings.

All the believers were one in heart and mind. No one claimed that any of their possessions was their own, but they shared everything they had. (Acts 4:32)

As I am reading these passages, I asked myself if I could or would respond to the needs of others in this manner and I have to be honest and admit that I don't know.  And if I were really honest I would say probably not.  I don't think I could give until it hurt.  This reading is an impressive testimony and a convicting one too.  Sounds like I have some work to do on my heart.  What about yours?

Read Acts 4:23-37, the text for today.

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