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Saturday, August 13, 2011

Acts 21:27-36

We all run into times in life when telling the truth causes pain for us. Sometimes being forthcoming will get us into trouble, but we know that truth is always better than lies even if it doesn’t feel like it. We may face punishment or rejection when we tell it like it is and not sugar-coat anything.

Much of my early life was shrouded with half-truths and deception. It was difficult to remember who I said what too. Shortly after earnestly walking with Jesus I was convicted by the Holy Spirit to change this behavior. It was difficult for a few days to get into the habit of being honest. But I soon discovered there was such peace associated with this new way of living.

The Scripture today finds Paul in the midst of a crowd trying to discredit him and his work. They are using lies to move the throng against him. “Some in the crowd shouted one thing and some another, and since the commander could not get at the truth because of the uproar, he ordered that Paul be taken into the barracks”. (Acts 21:34)

We have witnessed the peace Paul experienced when he shared the Gospel message with boldness. He didn’t soften anything but told the people what they needed to hear. When he would be imprisoned because of this he could be found singing and praising God while in chains. Oh, that I could be so truthful. Jesus give me the strength and the will.

Read the Acts 21:27-36 text here.

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