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Monday, October 31, 2011

Isaiah 35:1-10

If you need a pickup, a bright outlook for tomorrow, read the Isaiah text slated for today.  It is filled with the promise of a bright future with God, overflowing with pictures of bounty and fabulous harvests.  Places that were once barren, dry and desolate will become fertile and lush with colorful foliage.  If I were an artist I would paint a picture and share with everyone I knew.

But, guess what?  We are all artists of sorts.  We have all been gifted with special skills and talents.  If you gift is with a paint brush then get out your brushes and your canvas and record with color.  If your area of expertise is with words, then tell the story.  Share with someone what God has done for you and use this scripture as proof of the majesty yet to come.  Here are just a few of the promises:
  • the wilderness will rejoice and blossom
  • The glory of Lebanon will be given to it, the splendor of Carmel and Sharon;
  • Strengthen the feeble hands
  • steady the knees that give way
  • Then will the eyes of the blind be opened
This week, as we approach All Saints Sunday and give ourselves a few moments to ponder those who have gone ahead of us this past year, imagine they are experiencing this splendor already.  They no longer struggle with bodies that are broken.  They feel no pain or heartache.  They have been set free and as much as I wanted things to be different at this moment in time, I know God's plan is perfect.  For now that is good enough for me.

Read the Isaiah 35:1-10 text here.  Listen to the text here.

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