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Saturday, October 29, 2011

Romans 3:9-20

"there is no one who understands;
there is no one who seeks God.
 All have turned away,
they have together become worthless;
there is no one who does good,
not even one."
 (Romans 3:11-12)
There have been a number of times in life when I felt like no one understood me; no one had a real feel for what I was saying or feeling.  This was especially true for me as a child.  But, there was someone I could always count on to listen and then to comprehend my heart, my grandpa.  It was good to know I could turn to him for affirmation.

All too soon we grow up into adulthood.  Who do we turn to?  Who has our back?  The verses in today's lesson reads, "...there is no one who seeks God."  When trouble arises, when life gets heavy, when hearts are breaking, who or what do we turn to?  Some turn to drugs or alcohol, others embrace material possessions to find happiness or just relief. God wants us to turn to Him, the only one who can truly heal broken bodies, broken hearts, and broken lives.

This all sounds too easy, trite even, but it is so true.  Only God can make a difference in lives.  During my husband's illness and subsequent death, only God could provide the comfort a grieving family needed.  What is happening in your life that only God can change?  Seek Him, reach out to God for help and He will change your life.

Read the Romans 3:9-20 text here.  Listen to the text here.

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