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Monday, November 7, 2011

Genesis 27:30-41

The story in Genesis today is a story of sibling rivalry; there are a number of them.  The first was the conflict was between Cain and Able.  This struggle ended in the death of Abel at the hand of his brother.  Another is the dynamic saga of Joseph and the tug of war with all his brothers.  The story today involves Jacob and Esau.

Do you have any experience in this area?  Many brothers and sisters vie for the attention or love of a parent or a grandparent.  This competition is generally unfounded and only in the mind of the child who feels less important or special than a brother or sister.  As a parent I was always careful to buy things of equal value for each of my kids.  I even practice this today with the grandchildren.

I wonder if God ever questions why I don't vie for His attention more.  He would certainly be justified in turning away when I run to him during times of trouble.  He would be justified in asking me, "What do you want this time?" as it is often the only time my eyes and heart are totally focused on his power and might.

When Jacob fooled his father into giving him the blessing that belonged to his brother, Esau, the rivalry turned into a vendetta which Esau swore to avenge and slay his brother.

"Esau seethed in anger against Jacob because of the blessing his father had given him; he brooded, "The time for mourning my father's death is close. And then I'll kill my brother Jacob." (Genesis 27:41)

There is a happy ending to this story, it just takes a little time and a lot of patience from a God who is Patience and Love and Grace.  Turn in Tuesday to hear the turn this story takes.

Read the Genesis 27:30-41 text here.  Listen to a reading of the text here.

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