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Wednesday, November 23, 2011

John 18:15-27

My daughter and I were talking about the day when Jesus comes back and of the time that leads up to that glorious day.  We both were saying how frightening it might be to have to endure the hardships the Bible talks about, the pain of hunger or the anguish of a plague.  I have always feared the possibility that I would not have courage to stand up for Jesus if physical pain threatened me or someone I love.  I have always wondered if I would cave like Peter.

“You aren’t one of this man’s disciples too, are you?” she asked Peter.
   He replied, “I am not. (John 18:17)

The fact is there is opportunity every day to experience and proclaim Jesus as my Lord and the one I follow through thick and thin, just as there is occasion to deny that He means anything to me.  When I ignore my conscience and toss my principles to the wind, I am rejecting Jesus just as Peter did.  When I allow my 'wants' to overrule my needs and pursue worldly passions, I reject Jesus and His love.

On the same note, when I forgive a friend for hurting me I am acknowledging Jesus' forgive me too.  When I give of myself to people who need what I have, I am showing the world that Jesus is more important.

Read the John 18:15-27 text here.  Listen to a reading of the John 18:15-27 text here.

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