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Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Luke 23:32-43

Even death cannot separate us from the love of Christ.  What an amazing statement and one I draw comfort from.  This week as we prepare for the celebration of All Saint's Sunday we are drawn to the cross.  If not for the cross there would be no joy in this world, no hope at the death of a loved one.  It is because of the cross I was able to praise God and sing following my husband's death.

Do you have a similar experience?  These are the stories we are called to share with the world.  People who do not know Jesus cannot have the same peace Christians hold in their hearts.  This fact does not make the life/death struggle any easier.  It simply gives us a reason to move forward, because we know we will be reunited again.  These are empty words to the world; meaningless noise that only fills the dead air.

Jesus answered him, “Truly I tell you, today you will be with me in paradise.”

The words above are just what I need to hear.  The words above fill my heart with hope that life has a purpose and we are all part of that purpose - that amazing plan.  What will fill your heart this Sunday, as the names of the faithful are read aloud?  Tears may fill the eyes, but peace will fill the hearts of the faithful followers.

Read the Luke 23:32-43 text here.  Listen to the text here.

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