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Sunday, December 11, 2011

Luke 1: 26-38 The First Christmas Mother

"The Birth of Jesus Foretold" is the name of this section in my bible. Chills surged throughout my body as I read again, of this incredible moment in Mary's life when Angel Gabriel was sent to Nazareth with the most important message of all time! "Do not be afraid. Mary, you have found favor with God. You will be with child and give birth to a son, and you are to give him the name Jesus. He will be great and will be called the Son of the Most High......." Can you imagine?!

As a mother, I have been on my knees many times thanking God for the undeserved blessings of my children. Words cannot express the incredible gift that dwells within that tiny being when born, or the deep, deep love that walks down the aisle with them, arm in arm on their wedding day. It is an intense love that only a mother can know. Thank you once again my God, for giving me the opportunity to serve you through motherhood. I am honored.

We experience joy, strife, happiness, uncertainty, great excitement and even greater pain when raising children. The intensity of those emotions while being a mother to the Son of God must have been overwhelming to say the least. I can see Mary overflowing with pride when Jesus healed, fed the masses, and gently carried out the Lord's plan to save the world. I can only imagine the anguish and total misery her heart ached with, as he carried that cross. Even when we know that in the long run things will be better because of an experience our children have, it still hurts us incredibly to see them suffer. Praise God for the gift of our sons and Daughters, and for the best Christmas present of all, Jesus, the son of Mary.
Jesus the Son of God!

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