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Sunday, January 15, 2012

1 Corinthians 6:12-20

Sexual impurity.  Our children and teens are subjected to it on a regular basis. We are bombarded with it on the television, in music, on the internet, and nearly everywhere we turn. Parents today have an incredible job before them protecting, sheltering, and educating their offspring on the dangers lurking amidst us all. Without the bible and God’s words to guide them, they haven’t got a chance?

Had my husband and I not gotten our children connected with a Bible based church community during their early teen years, I don’t for a minute believe they would have been able to make the positive moral choices they have. It was not my doing; it was the WORD OF THE LORD that made the difference.

Today’s passage is titled, “Sexual Immorality.” It is a serious and important topic, goes far deeper than what we imagine it to be on the surface. It is not just about staying away from immoral sexual acts. It is regarding how to view our lives so we don’t even consider going there!

When we unite with another, we become one.  Genesis 2:24 states “The two will become one flesh.” Today’s passage tells us that as God’s children we are united with Him. “But he who unites himself with the Lord is one with Him in spirit.” Later it says, “Do you know that your bodies are members of Christ himself?”  If we believe that God is with us, that means all the time. He is not just with us when we’re being “good.”  Should we not live our lives as though he’s right here, all the time?  And not just beside us, but within us.  Immanuel means

GOD WITH US… always.

posted by gail

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