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Sunday, January 8, 2012

Power Through Weakness

1 Corinthians 1:17-2:5

We all want to make a difference in this world. We hope to leave our mark upon society in some way that is relevant. When the day comes that we pass on, we hope that kind words will be said about us at our memorial service. We want to be remembered as unique, in whatever way is important to us as individuals. This brings to mind the concept of a headstone and how the dates of birth and death are not the significant part, but the dash in between those dates. The question is: "How did you live your dash?"

So many of us feel as though we have to do something BIG, to be significant enough to matter. Others think accumulating a great deal of money or assets will mean success. Still others focus on just striving to be happy. God tells us that the meek shall inherit the earth, and he always calls on the most unlikely to do his work. There are so many, Mary and Joseph brought Jesus into the world, Jesus' disciples, simple fishermen and laborers became fishers of men, Goliath brought down the giant, Noah, built the ark........ none of these men were influential, noble, or wise by human standards. God uses the weak to lead, the sick to demonstrate courage, children remind us all what is truly important.

No matter who we are, or what this world has molded us into, we are all the same in the eyes of the Lord. We may feel insignificant and weak, but we are relevant and powerful. We may flounder in our own problems and predicaments, but we have the ability to do great things through and because of our trials. We are all here to make a difference, from right where we are. Jesus has shown us the way!

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