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Saturday, March 31, 2012

Mark 10:32-34

How wonderful it is to finally get to the place where we allow Jesus to lead the way.  Our hearts mature to the point where we don't try to get ahead of Jesus or even think we can walk alongside Him.  The only way to successfully travel this world is to follow Him, permit Him lead the way.

This verse below says the disciples were astonished.  Well, you know what, that will happen when you don't try to fix it yourself, when you don't second guess God's will, but take it to Him in Prayer.  That is called letting Jesus lead the way.  God will always amaze and astonish us with His love, faithfulness and integrity.  

The verse also indicates the other followers were afraid.  Perhaps their fear stems from the fact that they have not spent as much time with Jesus.  They don't know Him as well as the disciples do.  For for those who aren't familiar with His ways, following Him might not be so easy.

"They were on their way up to Jerusalem, with Jesus leading the way, and the disciples were astonished, while those who followed were afraid." (Mark 10:32)

As Believers, we are to be studying God's Word so that we can know Him better.  When we understand Him and put our faith and trust in Him as a result of knowing Him more fully, we learn to let Him lead the way.  Why not, He knows where we are going!

Read Mark 10:32-34 here
Listen to Mark 10:32-34 here

1 comment:

gail said...

Love this! Why is it so hard for us to remember this on our daily walk through life? "He knows where we are going!" :)