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Friday, May 4, 2012

John 6:60-70

Some of the things Jesus is teaching all His followers is becoming more difficult to grasp.  Jesus must have saved some of these subjects until they were more knowledgeable about spiritual matters.  Walking alongside Jesus for the past few years, the disciples learned about Jesus.  They witnessed His honest ways; they heard His truth-seeking conversations and they shared His loving heart. Time was approaching when Jesus would be fulfilling His destiny; the cross was looming in the near future.

When Jesus shared the meaning of the Bread of Life with those following Him, many denied Him at this time.  Jesus knew this would happen, but it must have still pierced His heart to have them reject Him and His teaching. The reaction of some of the followers prompted Jesus to ask those who remained:

“You do not want to leave too, do you?”Jesus asked the Twelve.

Simon Peter answered him, “Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life. We have come to believe and to know that you are the Holy One of God.”
(John 6:67-69)

These words always give me chills. I love Peter's response; it is the response we too should give when life gets rocky. It is the response we should make even when we just fell off the side of a mountain and don't know where we will land. Peter recognizes Jesus for the man He is, Messiah.  Peter believes, even though he will deny him soon, Peter believes.

It is good to know this; we can believe and still sin.  We can know what is right and not do it, as that is our nature.  The Good News is that Jesus is our Redeemer and He is always there for us.  Like Peter said, "Lord, to whom shall we go?"  Today, when faced with any of life's challenges and roadblocks it is a good time to ask ourselves the same question.

Read John 6:60-70 here

Listen to John 6:60-70 here

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