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Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Philippians 2:1-11

This verse is encouraging us to behave like Jesus did.  Before acting, or acting out, think about those bracelets that were so popular a few short years ago.  The jewelry with the letters, WWJD inscribed on them for all to see, held a message we should consider.  When I am perplexed and not sure what to do in a situation I will often bring these words to mind.  Then I ask myself, "What Would Jesus Do," and I am forced to pause for a moment or two and truly contemplate the puzzle before me.

“In your relationships with one another, have the same mindset as Christ Jesus” (Philippians 2:5)

The humility and selflessness Jesus exemplified is worth striving for.  In fact, that is what we do every time we open our Bible, read a few passages, and then do our best to apply them to our lives. While we cannot duplicate His ministry we can display the same attitude.

When I am practicing humility, I am looking at you as better than me.  It is never the other way around. I am ready, willing and even anxious to serve you.  This is a foreign concept in this world of selfish lifestyles and material possessiveness. As Christians we know how fulfilling this existence is, how good we feel about everything in life when we invest in someone else.  Jesus invested it all for us, now we are being called to 'have the same mindset as Christ Jesus.'  

Can you think of a way you could begin today?  It can be as simple as inviting your elderly next door neighbor over for lunch.

Read Philippians 2:1-11 here

Listen to Philippians 2:1-11 here

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