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Thursday, July 12, 2012

Joshua 11:16-23

As I read this chapter and note the listing of all the battles and conquests Joshua and the nation of Israel accomplished, one of my thoughts is how swiftly everything was happening. After roaming the desert for over 40 years, the reader sees everything falling into place just like that. But, in actuality, this takeover transpired over the course of 7 years. As everyone who has ever waited at home for a loved one's return knows, that is a long time to be at war.

Victory doesn't happen overnight, but it is worth waiting for and fighting for. On a personal level, change in a lifestyle takes work, and often feels like an enormous battle. Old habits die hard, as the saying goes. Some say it takes 16 weeks to exchange a bad habit for a good one. When we first come to know Jesus and see ourselves as sinful, we vow to change. It doesn't take long before we see it is going to take time and prayer and lots of hard work.

Joshua 11:23 (NIV)
So Joshua took the entire land, just as the LORD had directed Moses, and he gave it as an inheritance to Israel according to their tribal divisions. Then the land had rest from war.

God had a plan for Joshua and Israel. That plan took 40 years to unfold because it took that long for the people to learn and to change. God never gave up on them and He will not give up on us. Our walk with God is life-long and He is always molding us and pointing out areas we need to improve and turn over to Him. Until the day we meet Him, there will be room for improvement.

I often get discouraged with my sinful nature when I fall back into some of my old habits, but the fact that I can recognize this quickly and turn from my old ways, gives me hope. Each day is a new battle and the war will only be won when Jesus returns. Until then, I must continue to fight the good fight. (1 Timothy 6:12)

Read Joshua 11:16-23 here

Listen to Joshua 11:16-23 here

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