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Friday, August 31, 2012

The Story - Chapter 2 - Genesis 35

Is your mouth hanging open yet?  Reading these stories from Scripture there is a sense of a parallel universe here.  The idol worship, the sexual encounters, and greedy deceptions have me thinking all this could have happened today.  The same disregard for The One True God that existed thousands of years ago still exists today.

My eyes are being opened with every chapter I read.  I knew these stories before, but never considered the humanness of the characters.  For some reason I did not view these men and woman as sinful humans, but tools God used to bring His Word to the world.  Upon careful scrutiny and prayerful study I am reminded of the sinful nature of all.  I am understanding more and more how much I need God to make me right.

Genesis 35:9 (NIV)
"After Jacob returned from Paddan Aram, God appeared to him again and blessed him."

As much as I am disheartened by the behavior of my Bible heroes, I am encouraged that God used them in such a mighty way.  When I look back upon my life I need not give up hope and live in the land of regret and dismay.  No, God has made it quite clear He will use me in spite of myself.

As I mature in faith and accept His will I know that He will use me for good; He will use my mistakes, my sins and my doubt to point others to Him.  He is writing my story every day and teaching me how to tell it to someone who needs to hear of a God who loves, forgives and bestows undeserved and boundless grace.

Read Genesis 35 here

Listen to Genesis 35 here

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