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Friday, September 21, 2012

The Story - Chapter 5 - Exodus 32-33

Safely Tucked Away

There is so much covered in these two Chapters, let’s concentrate this morning on Chapter 33. One of my favorite and most comforting verses is found here. Early in my walk, as I was just beginning to understand the power and glory of God and how it impacts and comforts the hearts of His people, I was comforted and strengthened by these words.

Exodus 33:21-22 (NKJV)
And the LORD said, "Here is a place by Me, and you shall stand on the rock. So it shall be, while My glory passes by, that I will put you in the cleft of the rock, and will cover you with My hand while I pass by.

At this point in history, Moses was heartbroken over the behavior of his people. They had rejected God who brought them out of their bondage. God wanted to leave them and Moses interceded, crying out to God. Moses could not imagine going forward without God leading.

For us to take a step onward without calling on God to go before us is foolish and dangerous. I remember a time when on a short-term mission trip to Honduras. Returning from dinner and heading back to the lodging supplied for us required walking an unfamiliar path. It was night and very dark and I foolishly forgot my flashlight. I remember feeling my way along the path, praying I would not trip and fall, knowing the trail was steep.

At one point, I saw a light in the distance and decided to wait until it got closer before taking another step. As soon as the person with the light neared, I could see my way and moved forward with confidence, trusting I would be ok now. It is this I remember every time I read how God sheltered Moses in His light, His Glory. This is a weak analogy, but serves its purpose for this believer.

I will never consider moving into the unknown without calling out to God to light the way. I know the darkness can be navigated safely with a source of light nearby.

Read Exodus 32-33 here

Listen to Exodus 32-33 here

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