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Sunday, September 23, 2012

The Story - Chapter 5 - Exodus 40


As Chapter 5 concludes, we realize how much symbolism we have today, reflecting reverence and respect for happenings of so long ago. Unless we truly know our bible and the many stories it holds, we will miss the purpose of a great number of those sacred treasures. That is why this journey through “The Story” is so awesome! It is important for us to appreciate the origin of today’s rituals and beliefs.

As a child I have memories of attending church services and hearing words like sacristy, tabernacle, and sanctuary. They seemed like distant, unapproachable things and places within the church. As an adult, longing for clarity of God’s heart, I seek to make a personal connection to these terms and traditions.

Exodus 40 is all about Moses’ encounter with God as He strategically directed Moses to “Set up the tabernacle, the Tent of Meeting, on the first day of the first month.”  The Lord’s directions were clear and specific. Once it was built, God further instructed Moses as to exactly what he should do next and who to include. The tabernacle built by Moses at God’s hand may look different today, but is in essence, the same.  

My bible states this:
Tabernacle-the tent used by the Israelites for meeting with God: the place where God chose to show his presence. The tabernacle was made by God’s command and according to His plans. 
As I utilize the computer definition feature, these are the results:
 -a place of worship, especially in some evangelical Christian denominations

 -a box or case in which the consecrated bread and wine of Communion are kept

- the Jewish Temple, regarded as representing the presence of God

-a portable tent used as a sanctuary for the Ark of the Covenant by the Israelites during the Exodus

-the human body considered as a place temporarily housing the soul or principle of life

This last one really hit home for me, for since I was a child I heard that Jesus lives within us but I didn't really get it back then. We ARE a tabernacle for The Lord, and understanding the origin of how the tabernacle was set up and why, gives clarity like never before. It was all for “The Glory of the Lord," and still is today.

Listen to Exodus 40

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