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Wednesday, October 17, 2012

The Story - Chapter 9 - Ruth 2:1-16

Are Your Ducks-in-a-Row yet?
Ruth 2:2 (NIV)
“And Ruth the Moabitess said to Naomi, "Let me go to the fields and pick up the leftover grain behind anyone in whose eyes I find favor." Naomi said to her, "Go ahead, my daughter."

Ruth is taking the bull by the horns. She isn’t waiting for God to drop a husband in her lap. She isn't singing the 'poor me' song; no she is taking action. 

Gleaning in the fields for wheat and barley for food was an accepted practice. In fact it was law that farmers leave some of the harvest lay for people to pick up. It could be considered a type of welfare program in Israel, allowing the poor to work the fields in this manner.

When Ruth went out into the fields, God provided for her needs. This got me to thinking of my situation. Instead of worrying about how to keep two houses going, how to pay the bills while waiting for one of my homes to sell, I need to use what God already provided.

I took out my budget, studied where I could cut some expenses and explored ways to increase my income. I realize that while it might be tight, it can be done for a period of time. I spend too much time worrying about tomorrow when I need to be more like Ruth and glean from the fields God has provided. I took a page from this book and applied it to life today. Is there a lesson here for you?

I know God will provide. I have learned to use what God has already given me, an administrative and ducks-in-row mind set, to survive and thrive. Along the way He will bless these self-sufficient ways. As we continue our journey in the Book of Ruth we will see how God blesses His faithful followers. Ruth is a prime example. Do you have an example to share?

Read Ruth 2:1-16 here

Listen to Ruth 2:1-16 here

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