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Sunday, November 4, 2012

All Saints' Day  -  Revelation 7:9-17 

What a Revelation! Chapter 7 tells of two groups of believers; First the 144,000 representatives of the Godly remnant of Israel. Second, the great multitude of martyred people from every nation who died rather than deny their faith. Saints who knew the power and glory of our God. These saints are people who walked his earth like you and I.

As we make our way through Revelation, and attempt to wrap our heads around what will be, I am brought back to today, as we acknowledge All Saints’ Day. There are those who boldly and confidently profess the word of God, and their value is priceless. There are others who quietly believe but also make an impact, by living the gospel, supporting those in need, and gently nudging others toward the Lord. Their lives are challenging,difficult, and often painful as was Jesus' life on this planet. Despite their struggles, they forge ahead in the name of the Lord. I would like to acknowledge those in my life who have done that for me. Though I had a deep rooted belief in God since my eight years attending parochial school as a child, I had let the importance of holding the word in my hand daily slip away. Through my daughter, my niece and her husband guided me back to the truth, and my sister took over where they left off. I am forever grateful for their gentle persistence and understanding during those years.

Perhaps there is a saint or angel in your life, who has impacted your vision of today’s world and lightened your load in God’s name. As we celebrate All Saints' Day, I urge you to reflect on and acknowledge the difference someone may have made in your life as you walk in the Lord today.

Read Revelation 7:9-17  here

Listen to Revelation 7:9-17 here

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