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Sunday, March 10, 2013

The Story – Chapter 24 – No Ordinary Man

"I have learned that people will not remember what you said, people will not remember what you did, but people will remember how you made them feel." 
-Maya Angelou

In John 6, Jesus fed five thousand with what began is a few loaves of bread and a couple of fish, and he walked on water. These are things we would never forget someone doing, and I don’t know about you but I often think how awesome it would be to have that kind of visual confirmation of God’s power and mercy. Talk about an unforgettable experience……actually being witness to a miracle, or better yet, a participant! I wonder why miracles that would convince more doubters do not happen today. The thing is, many saw Jesus’ miracles, and still did not believe, in fact He was persecuted by the Jews for “doing these things on the Sabbath.”

The Journey (Bible For Seeking God and Understanding Life) explains that the problem with human belief is that it can be based on miracles as was the case with many in that crowd. Once the event was over and everyone went home, nothing changed. That is why Jesus used miracles sparingly and on many occasion Jesus told those benefiting from the miracles to keep it to themselves. Ultimately, people need a relationship with Jesus that is based on love, forgiveness, and trust, not a quick fix like our modern culture demands.

I picture Jesus addressing crowds, interacting with the woman at the well, and within homes speaking and healing. His message was always delivered in a gentle, peaceful manner, but was confusing to many because of their shallow thinking. Jesus spoke of being the “Bread of Life” and how they should eat His flesh and drink His blood to have everlasting life. Jesus used metaphors and parables to teach. He attempted to get them thinking outside the box, but like today many cannot or will not let go of this world and the confines of its black and white walls.

As we develop our understanding of this “Not So Ordinary Man,” though we were not there to experience what he said, or see what He did, we can still experience and always remember how He makes us feel; safe in his arms.

Listen to Safeby Phil Wickham

 Read John 6

Listen to John 6

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