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Tuesday, March 26, 2013

The Story - Chapter 27- The Resurrection

"His appearance was like lightning, and his clothes were white as snow." (Matthew 28:3) 

Dear God,
As we move forward reading The Story today we find ourselves at the tomb, the empty tomb.  It is Tuesday of Holy Week and we are reminded that that journey is going to get difficult, but we will eventually arrive at the empty tomb.

Give your people courage to face this week with open hearts and minds.  Fill our Spirits with hopeful images and push us to face the difficult hours that lie ahead.  Father, teach us to pray with Your Son as we remember His garden moments of grief and pain. This week is all about Jesus.  This week is all about what He did for us.  This week is all about the empty tomb.

Read Matthew 28:1-10 here

Listen to Matthew 28:1-10 here

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