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Sunday, April 14, 2013

The Story – Chapter 29 – Paul’s Mission

Acts 15: 1-21 The Council At Jerusalem

This chapter embraces the reality of what we struggle with on a regular basis. Do we follow broad spectrum rules set forth by men, or do we follow Christ? The Jews were God’s chosen people, yet they were the ones who condemned and crucified Jesus saying He was making false claims and blaspheming God. Their savior was in their midst and they didn’t even realize it. “You don’t know what you’ve got ‘til it’s gone.”

Today, we have many religions contradicting each other, one making claims against another. In Jesus’ days, it seems there were two groups; the Jews and the Gentiles. Either you were a Jew or you were not, and the Jews were the chosen ones. We find that many Jews were not worthy of realizing God’s promises, but multitudes of Gentiles attempted to seek Jesus, learn his ways, and live accordingly. The Gentiles were looked down upon by the Jews but were truly alike in the eyes of the Lord. Paul said in Roman 3:9-10, “What shall we conclude then? Are we any better? Not at all! We have already made the charge that Jews and Gentiles alike are all under sin. As it is written: There is no one righteous, not even one.”

Many Jews made life miserable for the Gentiles. That certainly is not a Godly way to live, any more than it is for us to make life miserable or uncomfortable for others, or to judge those who do not appear to have faith in the Lord. Acts 15:19 “It is my judgment, therefore, that we should not make it difficult for the Gentiles who are returning to God.”

We are His hands and feet. We are the body of Christ, and regardless of race, religion, societal status or any other difference, we are called to help our brothers and sisters; to be there for each other, and to welcome everyone into God’s kingdom. In my bible, one of the central ideas noted for the book of Mark is “Jesus is not just the Jewish Messiah-He came to be the Savior of the whole world. That means each and every one of us. We are to forget the petty rules and regulations established by man, and get busy doing God’s work.

Read and Listen to Acts 15: 1-21
Listen to "If We Are The Body" by Casting Crowns

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