The Christian 12-Step program, Celebrate Recovery, uses our scripture for today as the Biblical reference for Step 12. "Having had a spiritual experience as a result of these steps, we try to carry this message to others and to practice these principles in all our affairs."
Biblical reference = Galatians 6:1
"Brothers, if someone is caught in a sin, you who are spiritual should restore him gently. But watch yourself, or you also may be tempted."
Take a look at the words, restore him gently. There is a lot of grace in these three words. When I must have a difficult talk with someone, it is wise to ask God to give grace to my words. It is much more likely my conversation will be heard when said in a calm and loving voice; one that is full of grace and truth.
If there is a healthy dose of grace peppered within our confrontation our words will be swallowed more readily. Do our words flow gently off our tongues so they can be heard easily and grasped willingly? There have been many times in life when I have wished I could take back something I said. I imagine all of us have these moments.
For me, that is what restoring someone gently is all about -- Speaking the truth with love and lots and lots of grace. For someday each of us will be on the receiving end.
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