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Thursday, May 9, 2013

Hebrews 10:19-23 - Jesus, our Great High Priest

There was a time when I just wanted to be alone.  For years I existed, lived in this world alone.  If I could have gone off to a deserted island somewhere I might have.  It was just so much easier to be responsible only for myself; it was so much easier to be responsible only to myself.  But, it was not a happy place.  While I felt safe, the truth was, I was anything but.

Years of struggles have brought me to realize there is so much more to life than feeling safe. Living a life outside the world, away from God's loving arms is not safe, it is dangerous. Rejecting friendships insured my isolation. While I don't live in a world of regrets, I can't help but wonder on occasion what life would have been like had I embraced the God whose arms were extended to me.

Let us draw near to God... (Hebrews 10:22)

Today, living a different life, enjoying others, and basking in God's grace and blessings every day is a wonderful experience.  Walking in His presence is comforting even when things around appear to be crumbling.  There are days when this comfort is all we can cling to.  And it is enough.  When the head hits the pillow at night and evening prayers are thought, restful sleep awaits.  Having lived the day in His presence, having walked alongside the Light of the World, peaceful slumber happens.  Let us draw near to God...

Read Hebrews 10:19-23

Listen to Hebrews 10:19-23

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