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Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Isaiah 44:22

Isaiah 44:22 (NIV)
 I have swept away your offenses like a cloud, your sins like the morning mist. Return to me, for I have redeemed you."     

Now that's what I call grace.  When we have access to a God who forgives and loves as fully as our God does, why would we worship any other god?  It doesn't make sense to even consider idol worship, or New Age self-worship.  No idol ever created anything and never redeemed anyone.

The fact that God gives this grace, this undeserved and unmerited favor to one so sinful, fills me with wonder and love. When I mess up and do what I know I shouldn't do and don't do what I know I should do - and still grace abounds, what a beautiful mystery!

Not only am I forgiven by the grace of God, but I can feel it.  My heart is lighter and joy fills the sky again.  Those times when I fall back into my old ways, those instances when I forgot whose I am and rely in the world for my direction and satisfaction, it is then I am unfulfilled and unhappy.  As soon as I see the light, turn from that behavior and accept the love and grace of Jesus the light returns to my heart.

Grace lifts the darkness and paints a colorful scene on the horizon.  That scene is a picture of Jesus and you and I walking together, arms linked and a definite spring in our steps.

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