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Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Acknowledge Him Who is Faithful and True

“For in the day of trouble, he will keep me safe in his dwelling; he will hide me in the shelter of his tabernacle and set me high upon a rock.  Then my head will be exalted above my enemies who surround me; at his tabernacle will I sacrifice with shouts of joy; I will make music to The Lord.”  Psalm 27:5-6

God’s love for us is more than a warm, fond regard.  We are dear to him, yes, but God’s love is a proactive love.  He responds to our cries, moreover, he initiates on our behalf mercies that we never thought to ask.

Though we go through the crucible of purification, God is no less attentive to us than to the three Hebrew men thrown into the furnace of fire.

Though surrounded by those who would destroy us, God is no less faithful to deliver than he was to Gideon and his impossibly outnumbered band of “warriors.”

Though we do not fully understand the Spirit of power that is ours in Christ Jesus, God no less strengthens us when we call upon him than he did when he empowered Samson.

Lord God of the heavens and of your people on earth – creator and owner of all that exists – you are faithful and true. You remember your promises; in your love for us do you recall them.

When our commitment waivers, your faithfulness does not.

When our trust ebbs, your trustworthiness moves not an inch.

When we tremble at what appears to be, you speak what is.

When we heedlessly follow the paths of our understanding, your Spirit guide us to Him who is “the Way.”

When our anxious flesh compels us to do “something! anything!”, you say “it is good to wait quietly for the Lord (Lamentations 3:26)”.

Though in despair we are convinced our enemies have crushed us, you arise, deliver us and call our enemies before you to account.

Today, Lord, be my God.  Today, Lord, I trust in you.  Today by your mercy, I will praise you for your proactive love.

And when today is over, I will lie down and await a new “today” created at your word, knowing you will again be faithful and true.

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