Everybody worships! Go to a football game and see upraised arms, fist pumps, jumping up and down in unison; hear shouts of affirmation. Go to a rock concert, and see souls stirred in lifted hands and enraptured faces, and an indoor sky illumined with cell phones transmitting one shared message of approval. Attend a political rally and hear thunderous cheers, turning up the volume on hands clapping in agreement.
Everybody worships! These outward expressions of elation aren't meticulously planned or scripted. No, they just flow forth from erupting hearts of everyday people. Each of us were created as an integrated blend of body, soul and spirit; whatever is on our inside spills out and even the most stoic among us cannot contain it. What we treasure in our hearts, we express with our bodies. And "out of the overflow of the heart, the mouth speaks."
Everybody worships! It's only a matter of what. What do we treasure? Are our treasures "on earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal," or in heaven where they do not? And do we offer ourselves to our sin nature, so that we applaud the things that please our flesh, or do we offer ourselves to our new nature, "Christ in us," to please and worship him? We who are in Christ have that choice and we make that decision every day.
Everybody worships! And only our God is worthy of it. He is the one who fills our hearts and minds with awe. He is the one who pursues us when we wander. He is the one who writes his law on our hearts, making wise the simple. He is the sinless one who humbled himself and took upon himself the sin of all mankind. He is the one who sanctifies us, who makes us ever more like him. He is the one who tells us of his great love for us. He is the one who hears our cries and hastens to our aid. He is the one who delights in surprising us with blessings we never thought to seek. He is the one who keeps all his promises. He is the one who makes our spirits leap for joy at the sound of truth. He is the one who has made us one with him. He is the one in whom we live, and move and have our being. He is the one who keeps us safely in him throughout an eternity of newly created todays. He is the one who is faithful and true.
Everybody worships! "Sing praises to God, sing praises; sing praises to our King, sing praises!" Psalm 47:6
1 comment:
This devotion was a great way to start my day. Yes, indeed, Everybody worships! Your words helped me to see just what I was worshiping yesterday, but who I will be worshiping today.
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