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Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Prayer is Breaking -

Psalm 81:13-14 (NIV)
 "If my people would but listen to me, if Israel would follow my ways,
 how quickly would I subdue their enemies and turn my hand against their foes! 

Ever notice how often God speaks to us like children; like we speak to our children?  He crafts phrases like: Will you listen to me?  Will you do what I say?  Our own parents spoke to us in this way, admonished our behavior with similar words. There are times in adulthood that it is good to know there is a heavenly parent still guiding and directing our steps.

Who or what do you consider an enemy?  From what difficulty do you need rescuing?  It is since reading from the Book of Psalms that I am starting to do things a differently.  I know I should turn to God before moving forward.  I understand that it is better to pray something through than to jump head-first into the situation and then ask God to save me.  Like the children's Vacation Bible School song says, "First You Pray".

God tells us there is a better life waiting on the other side of  today when we consult with Him first.  We are to turn to Him first, to listen to Him by being still.  The guidance and direction we receive from the Father through pray and silence will make the difference in the outcome.  Recently I started moving forward before turning to God for His advice. Fortunately He convicted my heart before I got into too much trouble. I have noticed that things will turn out better when I invite God to be my counselor; when I call upon the Holy Spirit to guide me.

Like a child, sometimes I will break the expensive dish before I learn to heed the parental warning of, "Don't touch." or acknowledge the stern reminder to, "Listen to me."  God guides in this fashion also.  He tells us to pray, to talk it over with Him before touching.  How quickly He acts when we go to Him first.

Psalm 79, 80, 81

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