Psalm 5:1-3 (NIV) Give ear to my words, O LORD,
consider my sighing.
Listen to my cry
for help, my King and my God, for to you I pray.
In the morning, O LORD, you hear my voice; in the
morning I lay my requests before you and wait in expectation.
David, the Psalmist, is talking to God. He is telling Him how much he values the time spent with him in the morning. David knows, as do we, our problems don't vanish while we are sleeping. David also knows the best way to begin the new day, to get started right, is with time in prayer.
His enemies are still chasing him, they still want to harm. His situation hasn't changed overnight. But he knows it can. He knows that he serves a God who can do anything. Do we know that, do we believe that? Do we believe in prayer?
Prayer is much more than my laying my wants before God. It is more than a shopping list of the needs I have, that I expect God to fulfill. While He might do that, He might give us everything we ask Him for just because He can, that is not all that prayer is meant to be.
I am hurting LORD - heal my heart
I am suffering GOD - remove the pain
I am afraid dear JESUS -give me courage
I am hungry FATHER - provide for grain
How many times have we gone to sleep at night with our hearts and our minds filled with worry? How to do we wake up in the morning -- with our hearts and minds filled with worry. I find when I lay my head down at bedtime and pray, talk it over with God, shout even in my heart, I drift off to sleep with thoughts of Jesus. I wake up the same way, not filled with worry but with my first thoughts of Jesus.
It is as if I didn't finish my prayer the night before and am just now saying the final words. My heart is lighter even though the problems still exist. This gives a fresh start to the day and a sense that God was with me through the night and He will be there throughout the day.
Psalm 5:11 (NIV) But let all
who take refuge in you be glad; let them ever sing for joy. Spread your
protection over them, that those who love your name may rejoice in you.
Read and listen to Psalm 4, 5, 6
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