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Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Reality - real or contrived?

2 Corinthians 8:13-15 (NIV)  Our desire is not that others might be relieved while you are hard pressed, but that there might be equality.  At the present time your plenty will supply what they need, so that in turn their plenty will supply what you need. Then there will be equality,  as it is written: "He who gathered much did not have too much, and he who gathered little did not have too little." 

Reality programming is here to stay.  When the first show hit the airwaves many years ago, it was unique and exciting to watch.  It was like we were peeping toms, peering at our neighbors as they played a game.  The fun would begin as we were able to witness the personalities as they began to clash.  We saw firsthand the differences in people.  We could tell who was loving and generous, always willing to share and work in harmony.

We could also see those who were driven to win, the professional competitors in the crowd who were participating for only one reason--personal gain.  While the show was only that, a show, true colors were revealed. This still is true today.  Reality TV brings out the worst in us, and only once in a while do we see good.  Is this reality?  Is this type of viewing actually reality?  Have we become so 'me' oriented that are colors are tainted; always grabbing for more fame and fortune?

This is nothing new.  The Israelites were given all they could eat, manna which provided for all their physical needs and nourishment, but some wanted to grab more than their fair share. Fair Share are the key words, these are words to live well together.  We are not called to be equal or to give half of everything we have to others - our needs all vary.  We are called to help, to care and to love as Jesus did.

Exodus 16:18 (NIV) And when they measured it by the omer, he who gathered much did not have too much, and he who gathered little did not have too little. Each one gathered as much as he needed. 
2 Corinthians 8

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