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Thursday, September 12, 2013

All Bark and no Bite

Galatians 4:8-11 (MSG)  Earlier, before you knew God personally, you were enslaved to so-called gods that had nothing of the divine about them.  But now that you know the real God—or rather since God knows you—how can you possibly subject yourselves again to those paper tigers?  

Paper tiger - One that is seemingly dangerous and powerful but is in fact timid and weak: "They are paper tigers, weak and indecisive" (Frederick Forsyth).

Fear and anxiety are strange emotions and they have too much power over us.  There are often people in our lives who have the same type of hold/control over our peace.  Even things sometimes rob our tranquility. These things are known as gods or idols that have become pin-ups on our walls of want.  They can be legitimate, but have taken over a place in our lives that is reserved for God.

Earlier, before you knew God personally, you were enslaved to so-called gods that had nothing of the divine about them. I am trying to identify these unwanted gods from my past, these entities which rob my peace, destroy my heart or occupy my time. Before my personal relationship with Jesus began, I was stuck in a pit of slime.  Life was slippery and happiness was fleeting at best and elusive most days.

But now that you know the real God—or rather since God knows you—how can you possibly subject yourselves again to those paper tigers? Life is so much different now that the God of my life has made himself known to me; since He has pulled back the curtains and I can now perform on a different stage. Those things that had such a powerful hold on me in the past are now 'paper tigers'. My heart is free and my purpose is defined.

Isn't it about time to recognize those things in your life that are merely paper tigers, but seem to have a hold of you?  Once we give God that place in our life it will have new meaning.  There will be such peace, such joy; you will want to sing of it.

Galatians 4

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