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Thursday, February 27, 2014

Fear, Taxes and Chains

It is the time of the year I despise the most: tax filing time.
The thought of having to file taxes drives me crazy. Getting started is not easy. I have to ensure I have my W-2s, 1099s, expense receipts and all other pertinent information. I have to run to the library to get forms. Then I have to print some out or mail away for others. It sometimes takes weeks before I can start the actual task of filling out the forms!
FDR famously said, “The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.” Well, he got it wrong. The only thing I have to fear is filling out tax forms!
Today’s reading is Acts 12:6-19. Peter was chained in jail, awaiting trial which would probably lead to his conviction and death. God, however, sent an angel to release him. God had other plans for Peter, and those included proclaiming the Good News of Jesus Christ to the world.
Today there are probably thousands of Christians who are persecuted, in chains or being put to death for their faith. So far, God has seen to it that I am not one of them. Nonetheless, I still have to contend with chains.
The chains are not physical ones, but rather are in my head. There are many tasks, like taxes, that I do not want to do, but that I have to do. I procrastinate; the chains keep me from starting.
God doesn’t send an angel to free me from my chains. Rather, he sent the Holy Spirit to help me. With the Holy Spirit, I can do those things that as a Christian I am called to do. Things like preparing for a Bible Study, or performing some other task at church, or shoveling snow or even doing my taxes. Praise God for the Holy Spirit!
I did get started with my taxes this weekend. Once I got started, it was mostly smooth sailing. Praise God!
Now I just have to do my daughter’s taxes. Aaaarrrrgggh!

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