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Tuesday, February 25, 2014

In His Grip

Acts 11:21 (NIV) The Lord's hand was with them and a great number believed and turned to the Lord.

Artists portray the Hand of God as outstretched, ready to point, to grip, to guide. The illustrations of God's mighty hand reaching down from Heaven paint a picture of love. They make one feel comfort, as though something greater than ourselves is watching, attempting to touch our lives.

There are a number of scriptural references to the Hand of God; each one exuding power and forgiveness. During my childhood I felt alone. My parents didn't share my faith and often times opposed my participation in various events. One thing to help me was the picture on the ceiling in the church I attended. The Hand of God reaching out to everyone seated in the pews held our eyes. I drew comfort from the painting.

Looking back, I am aware of a certain peace I gained when at Mass every morning. The calm and commanding outstretched hand invited me to linger. There was no wagging finger of shame, only the engaging hand of welcome.

The vision I see in the stained-glass window at the church I attend now, is similar in nature, only this picture is one of God's hands cupped together illustrating to my mind how He has my heart in the palm of His Great and Might Hand. Any way I look at life, God has me firmly in His grip.

Acts 11:19-30

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