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Saturday, April 19, 2014

It's Friday, but Sunday's Coming

Luke 23:44-56
Have you ever had a bad day where everything seems to be going wrong?

On July 14, 1976 my wife went into the hospital because she was having labor pains. We were so excited because this was our first child. Leading up to this there had been great anticipation as we wallpapered the nursery, refinished a family antique highchair and took Lamaze classes. Everything seemed ready. But then something went horribly wrong, and our baby, our child was born dead.

I’m sure that you have your own stories that you could share too. When things like this happen you try to find a way through it. For us friends from church came along side us and supported us. Our family supported us and our faith gave us hope. Of course, nothing could replace the loss of that little girl, but a better day would follow. In fact, on May 8, 1980 we did have our first and only child, another little girl. She was our treasure.

In today’s passage Jesus had a day like this. It was one where everything went wrong. It was one where all of his friends deserted him. It was one where everyone seemed against him. In the end, even his Heavenly Father turned His back on him. He was alone, having given up everything for the very people who nailed him to a cross. But Sunday was coming.

Many years ago I heard a tape of a sermon preached by Tony Campolo by the same title as this devotion. He was actually telling a story about a preacher that gave a sermon about this. It was Friday for Jesus – the worst day of his life. But Sunday was coming when he would be raised from the dead.

That was not only a great day for him, but for you and for me. Because we live in a world where it is Friday, but Jesus made it so that Sunday is coming. Jesus made it so that there is hope when it’s Friday. Jesus made it so that we can experience that hope, and can share that hope with others.

For my wife and myself, when we lost our baby I couldn’t imagine God ever choosing to send His son to die for me. I would never have chosen to sacrifice my baby for anyone. But He loved you and me so much that He did that. He loves us so much that there is hope for us to experience and to share with others. From failure, to victor; from loser to winner; Jesus overcame Friday.

It’s Friday, but Sunday’s coming.;TLB

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