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Friday, April 4, 2014

Opportunities and Roadblocks

Paul finds himself in court once again, but this time he was prepared to show his actions were legal; he wasn't teaching contrary to law.  This was an opportunity for him to share important, salvational information, but Gallio, the proconsul (governor) of Achaia shut him down.

Paul was charged with persuading the people to worship God in ways contrary to the law. We learn further (Acts 18:12-17) that the chance for him to speak truth in his own defense was denied by Gallio. The Jews were furious that Paul was released and took their anger out on Sosthenes the leader of the synagogue, for losing the case.

This may seem like a 'win' for Paul, having been released from custody like this, but Paul was looking forward to telling the Jews in that court room about Jesus.  This was an important judicial decision for the spread of the Good News in the Roman Empire. Judaism was a recognized religion under Roman law. As long as Christians were seen as part of Judaism, the court refused to hear cases brought against them. - Life Application Study Bible.

Think of the many times we look back and regret having missed golden opportunity to do or say something. Those times when we were verbally assaulted and just stood there speechless, and only moments later, when the moments has already passed, we think of the words we might have said.

Had Gallio allowed Paul to defend his actions, the gospel message might have spread quicker. It makes me wonder what Gallio was afraid of.  Did he fear hearing the truth?  Was the Holy Spirit convicting him as a Jew, for his role in the death of the Savior? It is hard to tell, but we do know that Satan prowls and does his best to impede the spread of the Good News.

It is our duty to identify those satanic roadblocks and jump over them. We can do this with prayer.  God, give us eyes to see truth when it is before us.  Help us recognize the wiles of evil and shut it down. Amen.

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